May 17

JeffMcSweeny: Going Live

Why Make a Website?

I’ve been toying around with making my own website for a while now. I believe everyone needs their own personal domain, because Instagram, Facebook, and the others aren’t enough. There needs to be that central hub that connects them all, which this is it. The internet of everything, “JeffMcsweeny” will stem from this website. This is my public résumé . 

But Really… Why Make This Website?

Well, to be honest… at the end of last year (2016), I’ve been envious of the people who have put themselves out there to the world. There are people who are making a comfortable living creating videos, blogs, playing video games, writing books, you name it. They’re all doing something that they have a passion for, are great at, or just because. So I’ve finally taken the first step and will explore different paths towards areas I believe are interesting and that I could potentially be great at.

As I mentioned in my first post, I had high expectations coming out of college. Life is not as I imagined it would be, or as easy. I was protected and living in the college bubble as I assume most young adults are —  It was time to open my effin’ eyes though, because once you graduate it’s over. It’s time to see what you’re made of.

on looker

Except I Don’t Know How.

This is why I’m going “taste” and document everything, like one of my role models, Gary Vaynerchuk repeats consistently and drills into everyone who doesn’t know what to do with themselves. This may, or may not work, but there is no other option besides moving forward and trying different ideas. I’m very anxious to begin.
This a work in progress, so I may pivot a bunch at first… But the main goal here is to complete tutorials and experiments with each of the below to see what holds my interest!

Areas of Interest

  • Video:  Filming & Editing – Adobe Premiere, OBS Studio
  • WordPress: setting up a website, running a website, etc
  • Analytics: Excel and Google Analytics
  • Creative: Photoshop, CAD design, 3D printing, Wacom Intuos Draw, Blogging, Vlogging, etc.
  • Marketing: Analytics (Google Analytics), Digital, SEO, Social Media Marketing
  • Sales: Prospecting, building relationships, Following-up, cold calling, closing
My exiting quote as to why try as many things as possible now before I’m too old and stuck in my ways…
“It’s better to be at the bottom of a ladder you want to climb than halfway up one you want to get off of.” – redditor
Take it easy folks, I’ll be back again… This is going to be a long ride.
– Jeff